0.2.2 Changelog


New Features:
- "pop"  sound "effect" when you Respawn. *warranty void if its just a dude making a pop sound with his lips*
- "pffft" sound "effect" when you die.  *warranty void if previous warranty was void*
- Speedrun checkpoints and timer. Sonic not included.
- Camera smoothly follows Phill around. Phill is the name of the frog.
- somewhat unnoticeable red bar shows you how much progress you loose, just to make you feel worse.
- green "blood" effect over the screen when you die.

- Frog colliders are a little more fair and are always within the frog, As one must find the true frog within themselves.
- removed some old scripts from the project that were never used. this doesn't affect you, sou you just wasted your time reading that line. mwuahahhaa
- Respawning on the starting platform will now cause a full reset. this should reduce confusion when the wave starts "spawning" next to you.
- Most fonts aren't default anymore. Non Bulk Standard.  Bog Standard? Frog standard. Frog banner? The font's don't hold frog banners anymore.

Known Issues:

- The game keeps playing when the win screen pops up

- It's possible to activate the "assassins creed" checkpoint and not survive the jump.

- sound doesn't work in HTML for some reason ;~;


Frog Jam 0.2.2 PC.zip 21 MB
Jan 03, 2020

Get Frog Jam


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