Slap a texture on it - Thedudxo

Slap a texture on it


Its surprising how much of a difference textures on the walls and floor make. Not that i worked on those.

But I did texture the Buttons on the floor, that one door over there, and the stuff on the ceiling. (along with the pillars, conveyor, and hydraulic press from last week). Had to properly model and UV unwrap them first though, as they all started off as unfinished placeholder objects. This was part of a process known as Greyboxing.

Officially, Greyboxing is required by the National Association of Silly Blogs. We're not allowed to go over the megapixel limit early in development, so to conserve gigawhaps we leave the texturing for later on, when we have more energy credits to spend on upgrades such as megapixel silos. NASB sends official resource inspectors every 32.3 minutes to check we are storing our gigawhaps legally (in the silo).

On a more serious note, Greyboxing is like sketching out a painting before you commit to it with a brush. Much easier to erase pencil.

Hey look, A GIF!


This one actually loops properly, unlike the last one :D

I really like the hooks in the scene (I didn't model them, just positioned them). Gives a scene of Depth, especially when the camera scrolls across. The camera got moved manually here, but its similar to how it will move in the gameplay.

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Damn hydraulic is hard to spell. No help from google spellcheck there. had to actually Google it.

one week to go 0.o

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