Friend Jam - Thedudxo

4 Dudes, 4 Weeks.

4 dudes, with 4 weeks to make a game. We've just entered week 3.

3 out of 4 dudes want nothing to do with code and just want to make cool art. that would statistically include me.

And it does :D

Unfortunately Coder Dude has been out of commission for a week and will be still for a few days yet. So the game play is pretty simple. I won't spoil that here just yet. (although maybe another dude will on their devlog)

What you see above is 'level 1'. we Miiiiiiiiggght Make level 2 later. A few of the assets there are still greybox models, and untextured. That should be amended by the end of the week. Walls, floor, and ceiling needs a texture too.


Going for that Classic Dark-Factory-But-It's-Day-Outside Lighting. To achieve this, I've used a 100% genuine SUN supplied by Official Retailers. Get yours today with Promo Code "bs"

That's all for now. Don't forget to like that smash button, and This is Dev Dude #3, Signing off.

(more posts from other DevDudes soon)

Get Buddy Factory

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